The following is dedicated to Allen Cook and is posted here by permission. I stumbled upon Allen Cooks writings several years ago and found that like myself, he to had seen things revealed in the scriptures for which he could not explain. There are many, hundreds, of students of the scriptures who have been given this special gift. They all have seen the same truths revealed. Many quench them because they would cause them grief to attempt to teach to their current congregations. Many have found each other and they share these precious gems among each other. And some have come to a certain acceptance, but reject further acceptance.
The following is posted as written by Allen Cook
Deut 32:9
For the Lord’s portion is his people; Jacob is the lot of the inheritance.
Up until the time of Abram, God had maintained to truth through the priesthood of the lineage of (Seth Gen 4:26; -> Shem 14:18) One should notice how God builds upon previous events such as Gen 1:2 bringing order from chaos, light from darkness. As Seth and his descendants continued in the dim light, which was afforded them by the limited providence of God, (with out an established law – Rom 5:13) having only the fruit of the spirit to guide them as a moral code discerning good from evil.
By the time of Noah wickedness was great in the earth and every thought of man heart was only continually evil. (Gen 6:5) Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. Remember that grace is not based upon the actions of Noah, but that of God. Yes, to preserve the truth in the earth, God in his sovereignty established in Noah a will and a to do of his good pleasure. This is the work of God that ye believe. (Jh 6:29) This principle holds true with only a few chosen men since the beginning of man. From the time of Noah, Shem and his great grand son Eber carried the knowledge of God in, the Hebrew language, a limited sense until God visited Abram at the age of seventy-five. Most of mankind, before the giving of the law in stone, was without God (Eph 2:12), having no guide save the fruit of the spirit (Ga 5:22, Rm 5:13, Ac 17:30).
The old covenant was give unto only a portion (Du 32:9) of the children of God, and Jacob became symbolic, and ensample of this inheritance, that is God in his sovereignty would chose out a small portion of his people to establish truth in the earth. (Isa 43:10). This was accomplished through Gods’ sovereign choice of the son of an idol maker, by the name of Abram. First through his providential care and direct communication with Abram, establishing in him the faith of our fathers’. God’s call to Abram first at Ur, when he was about the age of 40, and again at the age of seventy-five, while he dwelt in the land of his father. (Haran, of Syria – Gen 12:1; Acts 7:4)
This last call to Abram began the long journey of some fifty-five years. By this time God would have established with Abraham a belief that if he took his own sons’, Isaac life, now over thirty years old, that God would restore it again unto him. (Gen 22:8) It is here that the first gleam of light would come to the question ask by Job in 9:1, “I know it is of the truth: but how should man be just before God.”
God calls Abram in Haran of Syria, at the age of seventy-five, after the death of his father. Abram was called unto the land of Canaan, with a promise by God that his children would inherit this land, but it would be four hundred and seventy years (430 Ga 3:17 + 40 wilderness) until the iniquity of the Amorites was filled up, (Gen 15:16) before they would possess it. Abraham and Isaac only sojourn here until their death, and Jacob for one hundred and thirty years of his life (Gen 47:9; Ex 14:41; Heb 11:9; Deut 5:3). At the weaning of Isaac (Gen 21:8), Ishmael begin to mock his half brother Isaac. This affliction of Isaac and his seed would continue until they were delivered from Egypt four hundred years later. Their stay in Egypt would be two hundred and fifteen years: for four generations (Gen 15:13; Ex 6:16-20). Levi went in, Aaron can out.
At mount Sinai, God would give in addition to the moral law (fruit of the spirit) a portion of his people (Deut 32:9) a marriage covenant (Jer 31:32) which would define their responsibilities to their husband, Jehovah. This covenant would also define God, as the ‘I AM’. These special chosen people (Deut 7:6) would also be given many physical miracles by God to establish their belief in Him (Nu 14:22), and become a witness in the earth (Acts 14:15). These sign would become a way of life with these people (Mt 16:4). God would suffer the other nations (Gentiles) to walk in their own way (Acts 14:16, 17:23).
The two witness during the ministry of Jesus would be his works (Jh 5:36), and the preaching of the word by Jesus (Lk 4:18). On the day of Pentecost the Holy Ghost administered the new covenant faith to those chose before of God, giving them a more sure witness to the little flock (Lk 12:32: Jh 14:13). By seventy AD the sign gifts would come to an end and the cannons would be completed. Thereafter the two witness to the truth would be the writing of the law in the heart (1 Pet 1:25), which by the gospel is preached (1 Pet 1:25)
Allen 10/14/07